You know the worst part about workout is not the actual work (not that i like that part eighter) but it's the fact that it hurts like crazy the day after...i'm never working out again....(not really but whatever...still hurts)


And because Cim had to reschedule again i spent the day being sore and feeling incredibly sorry for myself...i did however pick out my new haircolor so gonna color my hair on Monday :)


Tomorrow i need to go shopping...the last time before i leave i suppose, and i just sold my old computer so now i have some money to spend ^^


So yeah, that's how exciting my life is at the moment!

im thinking of maybe going to the movies or something before i leave...because...well that's one of my favorite thing to do and in china they don't have salted popcorn because they want to make everything sweet and not salty...a big minus side to china...just saying ;D


So anyway, Just said bye to my brother who's going to pick up this girlfriend and then they're off to Turkey! so now i won't see him until, well....next year i suppose...unless he comes visit me in china :P


so yeah, take care, xoxo


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